About Us

Assalamualaykum everyone! 

Ahlan wasahlan to our humble page!

We are a group of homemakers who love making learning fun and engaging for our kids. We started with our own learning materials - from preparing our kids for Madrasah Entrance Test to preparing them for madrasah term tests & exams.  

For 7 to 9-year old kids, learning multiple Arabic subjects is tough. And every child learns differently. Some prefer learning visually, some through listening, and some through physical touch and hands-on practices. 

That is why teaching something a certain way can be best for one child, but using another way can be best for another.

We hope that this platform can be the source of learning resources that can support your child in their Madrasah learning journey.


Email : onetwotreesg@gmail.com

Contact No. : +6596528744

Facebook : fb.me/onetwotree.sg

Instagram: instagram.com/onetwotree.sg